The Official West Nile 

Team Photo Page 




team_photo.jpg (68268 bytes)

West Nile Playoff Team Photo

(not picture: Traitor, I mean, Trevor)

wn_jump.jpg (72077 bytes)

West Nile Team warm-up


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Still trying to warm up...


wn1.jpg (71160 bytes)

West Nile spell-out...see the WN?


huh.jpg (80771 bytes)

Jerry, don't ask...


The Women of West Nile

Campbell.jpg (57965 bytes)

Campbell Goodloe

Casey2.jpg (62661 bytes)

Casey Wait

Jack.jpg (52002 bytes)

Jacqueline Decker

Janie.jpg (53701 bytes)

Janie D. Stuart

MeSelf.jpg (59295 bytes)

Erin Dunigan

Erica.jpg (60840 bytes)

Erica Smith

West Nile Men

JerrySweatshirt.jpg (61686 bytes)

Coach Jeremy Elizabeth Deck

Trevor1.jpg (55797 bytes)

Trevor Buser

NickFace.jpg (52706 bytes)

Nick Zerwas

Gough.jpg (58324 bytes)

Matt Gough (like cough but with a 'g')

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Matt Flemming


NickScheide.jpg (55735 bytes)
FlemmingAward.jpg (55867 bytes) TrevorAward.jpg (56595 bytes) CoachJerry.jpg (65584 bytes)