Spring Watch 2001

It is April and we have had our first taste of spring. I have been on the lookout to see if there were any early warning signs of spring approaching and found the following as of April 5, 2001. 


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Spring blooms at the library

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Spring blooms in front of Templeton

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Now, some people might consider this a weed, but to me this small flower is a definite sign that spring is on the way.

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These flowers, crocuses are also apparently a weed, but again, a sign that it might not stay winter forever!

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This lonely daffodil is definitely in the flower category.

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Another sure sign of spring--green grass coming up from what appeared to be dead ground.

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This is my foot. It is the first time it has seen light in New Jersey in a long time.

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Another sign--Nick in shorts.

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People eating lunch outside--without jackets on!

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This was just cool--the shadow of a tree in the quad.

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Alexander Hall from the street side--see the green grass!

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Alex from the quad--the trees don't have leaves yet, but I am watching for them!

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Jen Bird, pretending to study in the sun