
order of service

(those items in purple are links)

   Rev. Dr. John Huffman
   Rev. Dr. Gary Collins

   Kelly Colbert
   Dan Vigilante
   Steve Yamaguchi

processional hymn - O Come All Ye Faithful

opening prayer
   Rev. Erica Thompson

opening words
   Rev. Candie Blankman
   Rev. Dr. Steve Wright

the peace
   Rev. Lance Allen
   Elder Betty Thompson

what is ordination?
   Rev. Dr. Steve Yamaguchi

questions for ordination
   David Morse, presbytery moderator

song for reflection - O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
   Kelly Colbert
   Dan Vigilante
   Steve Yamaguchi

scripture & sermon
   Erin Dunigan

offering - The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic
   Kelly Colbert

   Rev. Dr. Gary Wilburn

presentation of gifts
   Los Ranchos: Joan Torribio, Bob Parker
   La Mision: Kathleen Dwyer, Kathy Higgins
   Family: Steve Hanle, Don Webb

prayer for ordination & laying on of hands
   Rev. Tina McCormick

pronouncement of ordination
   David Morse, presbytery moderator

   Rev. Erin Dunigan


presentation of the gifts


from Los Ranchos:

Bob: I invite the members of the Los Ranchos Partnership churches to come forward at this time.

Joan: We, the church, are all one body, but we have been given many gifts.

Bob: We clothe you in this robe as a sign that in ordination you are set apart for ministry and for service to God and God's people.

Joan: Be always faithful in service, dilligent in hope, and seeking of peace, remembering that we must become the change we wish to see in the world.


from La Mision:

Kathy: I invite anyone here from La Mision to come forward at this time. We, the community of La Mision, are honored to be here with you today.

Kathleen: We've gathered together as you and Gary have lead us in Easter and Christmas services, and we've walked with you on this ordination process.

Kathy: We have watched as your La Mision garden brings out the beauty of God's creation, and as you've enjoyed that creation learning to surf in our waves.

Kathleen: Receive this stole as a sign of your work, and walk in obedience to the Lord Jesus, serving his people. This stole is a symbol of the service you have given to our community, and the service you will continue to give.

Kathy: Be always faithful in service, dilligent in hope, and seeking of peace, remembering that we must become the change we wish to see in the world.


from the family:

Steve: I invite the members of the Dunigan, McClarty, Webb and West families to come forward

Don: We, your family, have known you since you were a little girl. We have been with you on this journey of life and faith, and watched as God's call has emerged in you.

Steve: We offer you this lemon tree as a symbol of the growth that we have witnessed and of the fruitfulness we know your ministry and mission in the world will bring. 

Don:  Knowing of your care for the world and its reconciliation, we also have donated funds to plant an olive tree in Palestine as a symbol of cour common humanity and our hope for peace on earth.

Steve:  Be always faithful in service, dilligent in hope, and seeking of peace, remembering that we must become the change we wish to see in the world.
