
order of service

(those items in purple are links)

   Rev. Dr. John Huffman
   Rev. Dr. Gary Collins

   Kelly Colbert
   Dan Vigilante
   Steve Yamaguchi

processional hymn - O Come All Ye Faithful

opening prayer
   Rev. Erica Thompson

opening words
   Rev. Candie Blankman
   Rev. Dr. Steve Wright

the peace
   Rev. Lance Allen
   Elder Betty Thompson

what is ordination?
   Rev. Dr. Steve Yamaguchi

questions for ordination
   David Morse, presbytery moderator

song for reflection - O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
   Kelly Colbert
   Dan Vigilante
   Steve Yamaguchi

scripture & sermon
   Erin Dunigan

offering - The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic
   Kelly Colbert

   Rev. Dr. Gary Wilburn

presentation of gifts
   Los Ranchos: Joan Torribio, Bob Parker
   La Mision: Kathleen Dwyer, Kathy Higgins
   Family: Steve Hanle, Don Webb

prayer for ordination & laying on of hands
   Rev. Tina McCormick

pronouncement of ordination
   David Morse, presbytery moderator

   Rev. Erin Dunigan


opening words - Rev. Candie Blankman, Rev. Dr. Steve Wright


Candie: We know that we live in a world that is full of both joy and pain, neither one negating the other, both existing side by side.

We know that often as individuals and in our communities and institutions we fall short of being all that we are called to be.

At times we do things that we should not, at other times we leave things undone.

We come here today acknowledging the ways that we fall short, but also knowing the goodness of our intentions.

Steve: But in the midst of this we are promised that God is a God who calls out to us, and who loves us, beckoning us toward life in all its fullness.

We trust that this God is a God who is not content to remain far off, but who enters our very lives, is present in, with and amongst us, encouraging us to share that love with one another.

Candie: For this is the good news of the gospel, that God’s love is for all people. 

Steve: And in that love we are sent out into the world to be agents of justice, healing, reconciliation and peace.



