Prayer, Diane Bailey
Eternal God
We celebrate here today because we know that Pat's soul is in heaven
with you. Your love for him and for us is everlasting; only you can
turn the shadow of death into the brightness of this morning light.
Help us to turn to you with believing hearts. We read in Ecclesiastics
that your gift of life is for a season. There is a time to be born and
a time to die. sometimes we can not understand your decisions or your
timing, but we trust in you. We know, that if we believe in you, we too
will have eternal life and can rejoice that we will be with Pat again
one day.
Help us to remember your promises of scripture so that we may have hope
and be comforted during our time of sorrow as we grieve over the loss
of Pat's presence here with us on earth. We especially pray for Joyce
and Erin, that they may know that you are their refuge and strength,
and the stronghold of their lives, and that they may feel your presence
through the loving and caring of their family and friends. Help them to
know that they can call on any of us when they have a need.
Therefore, today, unto you, Almighty God, we commit the bodily ashes of
our dear Pat Dunigan to the deep sea, in assurance and hope of the
resurrection unto eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ.